Title Services End Date Country
Adapting postharvest activities in the value chain of fisheries and aquaculture to the effects of climate change and mitigating their climate footprint through the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions Environmental Economics
Renewable Energies
Marine Policy, Planning and Legal Analysis
Environment and Climate Change
Governance, Policy and Economics
10/15/21 - 02/15/23 EU
Improving environmental sustainability of deep sea fisheries with emphasis on the conservation of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) Improving environmental sustainability of deep sea fisheries with emphasis on the conservation of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) Protected, Endangered and Threatened Species
Environment and Climate Change
Natural Resource Assessment & Management
12/18/20 - 12/16/22 EU
Cost and benefits of fish stock recovery areas and other effective area-based conservation measures as tools for fisheries management − Case study assessments Environmental Economics
Marine Policy, Planning and Legal Analysis
Governance, Policy and Economics
12/02/21 - 06/16/22 EU
Framework Contract for Studies providing scientific advice in support of the Common Fisheries Policy in EU waters excluding the Med & Black Sea in 2 lots. Lot 2: Scientific advice in support of CFP in Atlantic EU western waters & EU outermost regions Programme Management
Natural Resource Assessment & Management
Governance, Policy and Economics
Programme Development, Management & Evaluation
04/30/19 - 04/30/22 EU
Study on ecosystem-based approaches applied to fisheries management under the CFP Resource Management Planning and Implementation
Environmental Assessment
Data and Information Management
Marine Policy, Planning and Legal Analysis
Environment and Climate Change
Natural Resource Assessment & Management
Governance, Policy and Economics
01/08/20 - 03/07/22 EU
CFP Regionalisation Resource Management Planning and Implementation
Fisheries Governance
Marine Policy, Planning and Legal Analysis
Natural Resource Assessment & Management
Governance, Policy and Economics
01/20/20 - 01/19/22 EU
Climate change and the Common Fisheries Policy: adaptation and building resilience to the effects of climate change on fisheries and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases from fishing Climate change and the Common Fisheries Policy: adaptation and building resilience to the effects of climate change on fisheries and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases from fishing Climate Change
Environment and Climate Change
Governance, Policy and Economics
01/11/21 - 01/11/22 EU
Study on state of the art scientific information on the impacts of aquaculture activities in Europe Study on state of the art scientific information on the impacts of aquaculture activities in Europe Environmental Economics
Marine Policy, Planning and Legal Analysis
Governance, Policy and Economics
01/07/21 - 12/06/21 EU
Overview of the state of data collection and scientific advice in the European Outermost Regions with case study on a roadmap towards regular stock assessment in French Guiana Overview of the state of data collection and scientific advice in the European Outermost Regions with case study on a roadmap towards regular stock assessment in French Guiana Resource Assessment
Resource Management Planning and Implementation
Data and Information Management
Natural Resource Assessment & Management
01/03/20 - 07/03/21 Spain, France, Portugal
Image by Andrew Martin from Pixabay A study providing an overview of the effects of offshore wind farms on fisheries and aquaculture Renewable Energies
Resource Management Planning and Implementation
Marine Policy, Planning and Legal Analysis
Environment and Climate Change
06/18/20 - 02/28/21 EU
Study on the main effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the EU fishing and aquaculture sectors Study on the main effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the EU fishing and aquaculture sectors Fisheries Governance 08/31/20 - 01/31/21 European Union
Social audits for Thai Union longline vessels Social Ethics
Seafood Certification, Traceability, Improvement and Responsible Sourcing
12/16/19 - 12/31/20 Indian Ocean
Study on circular design of the fishing gear for reduction of environmental impacts Study on circular design of the fishing gear for reduction of environmental impacts Environmental Assessment
Environment and Climate Change
08/20/19 - 07/19/20 EU
Analysis, pilot and management options for the implementation of Pelagic Landing Obligations MCS Planning and Review
MCS Training and Implementation
Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
01/01/18 - 12/31/18 Ireland
Study on ownership and exclusive rights of fisheries means of production Environmental Economics
Resource Management Planning and Implementation
Fisheries Governance
Governance, Policy and Economics
11/22/17 - 11/21/18 EU
International Oceans Governance – Scientific support Fisheries Governance
Institutional Analysis, Development and Capacity Building
Governance, Policy and Economics
04/04/17 - 01/02/18 Cape Verde, Comoros, Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, Liberia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Sao Tomé and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Mauritania, Morocco, Guinea Bissau.