MRAG has developed a number of assessment frameworks that can be used a building blocks to create a bespoke assessment covering the needs of your business. This can range from desk-based risk assessments to vessel audits and site visits. In particular, these assessments can apply to the specific risks faced in the tuna industry, but also can be created bespoke for any seafood. This will help to minimise the risk of handling fish that doesn’t comply with certain souring criteria and ensure Corporate Social Rsponsibility. MRAG has a pool of auditors and consultants with wide experience in different types of fisheries around the world.

Services include:

  • Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing Risk assessments;
  • FAD-Free, transhipment, IUU, pole & line audits;
  • Bespoke risk-assessments and audits;
  • Risk-assessing suppliers;
  • Assessing supply against sourcing criteria; and
  • Creation of sourcing policy.
